Advertising properties

Properties will be advertised daily through the Your Choice Your Home website.

You can access the Your Choice Your Home website via any computer with internet access, if you do not have internet access at home why don’t you ask a friend or relative if you can use theirs or go along to the library or an internet café, alternatively your support worker might be able to help.

If you are vulnerable and have particular difficulty in accessing adverts then please speak to the Housing Options Team of the Council.

The adverts will give you information about each available property to enable you to decide if it is suitable to meet your needs. The adverts include

• a photograph (where available)
• symbols providing information on the property
• symbols to show which applicants are eligible
• the location of the property using Google mapping and Street View
• the landlord
• the rent
• other relevant information

An example advert is shown below and key to the icons used in the advert can be found here.

If more than one photograph is available you will be able to scroll through the photographs by clicking on the left/right scrolling buttons next to the shown in the example advert below.

Important message: The photograph in the advert may not be of the actual property available but maybe a property of a similar type in that location. You should not therefore visit the property in the hope that you can have a look around. The property may still be occupied and continue to be the home of someone who might find such a request distressing. You must not approach anyone living in a property which you think has been advertised.

  This shows that a property is being advertised for sale on a shared ownership basis, the advert will show the cost of the share being sold, the cost of the rent and any service charge. In some cases this will show the minimum share that can be sold. Any applicant interested in shared ownership must be able to afford the buy the share that is being sold through a mortgage, savings/investments or investments and mortgage/combination of savings.

   This shows that a property is being advertised by a private landlord.